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Titre The Auditorium Organ [Independence, Missouri]
Auteur(s) Pickering, David
Éditeur Organ Historical Society Press
Année d'édition 2012
ISBN 0-913499-41-2
Site de l'éditeur http://www.organsociety.org
Nombre de pages xxii + 125
Illustrations 2 photos C, 20 photos NB, 1 document
Type d'ouvrage Monographie
Langue de l'ouvrage GB
Date de réception au M'O 29/10/2015
Table des matières Illustrations. xi
Preface. xiii
Foreword. xvii
Introduction. xix
Acknowledgments. xxi

1. The History of the Auditorium. 3
2. The First Search for the Auditorium Organ. 11
3. A Renewed Search for the Auditorium Organ. 27
4. An Organ for the Auditorium. 33
5· Aeolian-Skinner and the Auditorium Organ after Harrison. 49
6. A Year of Celebration. 45
7. The Work Moves Forward. 57
8. Sharing the Auditorium Organ with the World. 63
9. A Shattered Dream. 67
10. John Obetz: Auditorium Organist. 71
11. September 1967 – December 1979 — Moving Formard. 75
12. The 1980s — The Renovayion. 83
13. Into the Twenty-first Century and Beyond. 91

?A. Proposed specification for an Aeolian-Votey organ. 95
B. Proposed specification for a Skinner organ. 99
C. Annotated stoplist of the Aeolian-Skinner organ. 103
D. Discography of the Auditorium Organ. 113
E. Organists of the Auditorium. 119
Index. 121
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